Women's Ministry
Weekly Inspiration
Maturing Through Permitted Trials
June 26, 2023
So often we have been told to be problem solvers, we’re told to figure it out. And yes, that is true sometimes. But there are times in our lives when we cannot figure out or solve problems that occur. Certainly, we have all experienced when we just did not know what to do, say or how to react. Thank God he places people in our life that we can trust to listen, encourage, and pray for us. But they cannot solve the problems that befall us. We ask what is going on? Where do I go from here? Asking if this
is really happening? And, sometimes even blaming ourselves for what we did not create. We must tell ourselves to stop and get it together in Jesus' name. The devil is a liar.
We must believe and trust that God is in control, in what seems to be out of control. Most times when our life is disrupted with trouble, we start to feel numb, confused, hurt, depressed and anxious. Those are all normal feelings everyone encounters when we feel pressed down. For a while now, I have been going through difficult challenges in my life. No, it does not feel good, look good, smell good or taste good. All those feelings you just read about I have experienced and sometimes still do.
But, through this experience I have matured in trusting God. I have learned that He is my source, help, teacher, and loves me more than anyone else can. My hope has turned from man to God. Truly, through these grim times God has strengthen and allowed me to learn about myself. Somethings about me that he revealed I do not like. Not only did He show me myself, but He is instructing me on how to become a better me. I have learned to live for Him and not for others. My biggest error was placing all my hope in man unintentionally making him my God. Really, God is jealous, and we cannot put anyone before Him. I have repented to Him knowing that he has forgiven me.
Maturing causes growing pains that only God himself can guide us through, now I truly know that God’s grace is sufficient. No matter what state we are in we must, believe God is with us. He will not allow us to be ashamed when we trust in Him. Days may seem dreary and nights long and dark. But God knows all about our state of mind, health condition, financial downs and all
else. I still remind myself of that, God will not allow me to carry more than I can bare. There are people, things, and situations we must let go and hand over to God. He knows how to take care of what we cannot. Let us no longer carry what he does not
present to us. When we trust God, we start to enjoy life and live not just survive.
What is also important is that we admit to what he shows us about ourselves. He wants us to think as Christ, love unconditionally, walk in humility, be more forgiving, pray more, praise more and complain less. He wants us to not doubt but confess with our mouth the battle is not ours but the Lord’s. You may be thinking, she does not understand this trial I am going through. Trials permitted by a divine creator are allowed for us to mature in becoming more like Christ. We will never go through as much as Jesus God’s only son went through when he walked this earth. Yet he never complained but completed his
mission according to his father’s will. Now, he sits at the right hand of The Father with all glory. Trials not only come to mature us but for God to reveal to us the level of our faith. There is something he wants to perfect in us for his purpose. Let us not loose heart, look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. He got us and He will oversee whatever we are going through. I know it is hard to us, but nothing is too hard for God. He can soften anything or anyone, his way.
Helpful Scriptures: James 1:2-4,12 Philippians 4:6-8,13 1Peter2: 19-24, 1Peter 5:6-11 Romans 8:12-17
Romans 8:31-39 II Corinthians 5:6-9 Psalms 116:1-2 Psalms 117 Psalms 101:1-4
Not Only Able, But Willing
May 1, 2023
I had an eleven-year-old car without a car note. Not having to make monthly payments on a car was
wonderful to me. Oh, but Candy Apple which is what I named my eleven-year-old car was beginning to
have problems that were costly. For a while, I wanted a new car so that I would have reliable
transportation to visit my mom that lives in another state. Being retired without a weekly or bi-weekly
income had me believing that I could not afford a new car. Yes, I admit doubt did creep in my mind with
only one monthly income.
I recall looking through an advertisement on a Sunday after church that showed a car that my son has;
that car was catchy to my eyes. What I liked is that it was a compact car and good on gas mileage. The
make and model are very nice, and it would be easy for me to drive. Do you know you have to do more
than just look? The following morning in prayer I asked God to help me find a way to purchase a new car
so I can visit my mom every month. I remember asking him to give me instructions on how to get this
done if it was his will that I purchase a new car now. Getting up from my knees all I heard was go get
your new car. We must walk by faith knowing that God is able and willing to help us.
The word of God says that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and that his sheep knows his voice and listens
only to him. (John 10:4-5) Yes, I know it was my Good Shepherd speaking to me that morning, letting me
know that my God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippian’s
4:19) So, I called both the dealership and credit union Monday morning. The car salesmen said they did
have the car that I wanted and that they were giving a thirty-one-hundred-dollar buyers incentive. Oh,
what a blessing to my ears. The credit union said they would finance the car because of my credit
history, and I also had my eleven-year-old car for a trade in.
The whole transition went so smoothly, it was like everything was already planned, prepared and placed
in my favor. With God all things are possible. (Mark 9:23) This is not a fairy tale nor false testimony, it’s
real. That Monday I purchased a new car and Thursday the same week I went to visit my mom. What a
mighty God. Today, I do drive a new 2023 car and made my first car payment twelve days before the due
date. All I know that if God is for us who can be against us. (Romans 8:31)
Psalms 23:5 says my cup runneth over. Yes, God is faithful to his children all the time. He will not only
provide the spiritual but the material as well. Trust God for your needs and know he will instruct you
and guide with his eyes.
Holy and Royal
February 21, 2023
I don’t know about you but I certainly was not born in a royal family nor with a silver spoon waiting at
my crib. As a matter of fact I was delivered at home by a midwife. There were no hospital in the town I
was born in that would accept blacks. My mom was single and lived with her mother and siblings. I
remember growing up as a little girl, sleeping was more of a chore than rest. What I mean is that
sometimes I would have to remove someone else’s foot from my face, back or endure the snoring of
three other people in bed with me. There were times all we had to eat was a slice of bread with syrup.
My grandmother was the head of the house, she was a maid, my mom was a maid. They went to work
from Monday to Friday cleaning other peoples home. I would go to help them sometimes. Doesn’t
sound like royal to me.
However, now I can look back at my life and say that I was blessed to have people that loved, protected
and provided for me the best they could. They were not royal in the eyes of others, but they are truly
royal to me.
No matter our background or what family status we may have been attached to from birth, there is no
greater and more royal family than the family of God. The word of God say’s through Christ Jesus we
have received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out Abba, Father! The Spirit himself testifies
together with our spirit that we are God’s children, and if children, also heirs. Heirs of God and coheirs
with Christ. (Romans 8:15-17) We are now a people with hope in God through Jesus his son.
Brethren let us remember that the One who has blessed us to become His royal children has also called
us to be holy. (I Peter 1:14-16) for it is written Be holy, because I am Holy. Our new birth in Christ Jesus
changes our spiritual nature as we grow daily into his image. How we do this is by desiring and applying
God’s word to our life daily. We must read, believe, study, meditate and apply His word consistently.
Whatever we don’t understand in His word ask him to help us, He will.
God himself have made us a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a people for his
possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his
marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; you had not received
mercy, but now you have received mercy. (I Peter 2:9-10) No matter your occupation, financial status,
whether you were delivered by a midwife, if you live in a hut or house. If you are a child of the Highest
God you have been declared royal by Him.
Know who you belong too. Never doubt God for your life, your Heavenly Father is confident in himself
and knows what is best for his children. Go out be confident and be great Holy and Royal Ones.
The Two Foundations
January 5, 2023
This is a new year without new standards. What do I mean by that? God never changes nor does His standards. He continuously remains the same from year to year, before the beginning, and from the everlasting to everlasting. God is holy, disciplined, faithful, loving and so much more than we can imagine. Still, He requires us to obey His word. I recall when Jesus asked His disciples if they were going to leave Him too? Peter replied , Lord where can we go when you have the words of life.
Yes, our hope, strength, faith, joy and direction all come from the word of life (Jesus). as believers we know for a surety that God's word was never given to us to bring harm. His word is our sure foundation that establishes our faith in Him. His word is our safe place. This year as God's children aim on hearing what He has to say to us by reading, studying and delighting ourselves in His word.
Become committed in spending quality time in the word of God. Get a journal, take time out to read a scripture, write it in your journal and focus on hat scripture for the day. Think about how strong you will become when applying God's word to your life. Obey His word, love His truth, delight in His promises, get healing from the power of His word and become matured.
We have two choices only, to accept His word or to reject it. People the choice is yours. Jesus said those that love him hears his words and acts on them. Let us become a doer of God's word not a hearer only so we won't deceive ourselves. James 1:23
Please read and study (Luke chapter 6 verses 46-49). See where you are and do something about it. Remember God did not give us His word for us to collapse but to rise above all adversities.
Trust God's word and be blessed,
First Lady S. Proctor
November 14, 2022
It is nothing. Don’t say all of it, all that was, all that is or all that they’ve done. Because it amounts to nothing. By saying ALL we make the issue greater than God. Sure, we may have been hurt deeply by someone we love, trusted and maybe even felt secure with. Stop, think about what you’ve learned about the heart of man and yourself through disappointment or abandonment.
Don’t give another person’s enjoyment of sin against God any power. You may have been affected by another’s unrighteous action or actions, but their rebellion was against God. They may be enjoying the deception of the world called the fullness of life. Before God it all amounts to nothing, it has no value to God or themself.
It is not all, it is NOTHING.
The word of God say’s in Psalms 37:1 Do not be agitated by evildoers; do not envy those who do wrong. For they wither quickly like grass and wilt like tender green plants.
You do the following to honor God.
1. Trust in the Lord and do what is good. Psalms 37:3
2. Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4
3. Commit your way to the Lord. Psalms 37:5
4. Be silent before the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Psalms 37: 7
5. Refrain from anger and give up your rage. Psalms 37:8
God’s love is always faithful to those that trust in Him.
First Lady,
Stephena Proctor
November 02, 2022
You hear the word love used for food, name brand clothes, purses, perfumes, cars, houses, sex, money and entertainment. There was a time the word love was used in sincerity and truth. Now, it is used casually with conditions. Unfortunately, this has happened with the people of God. Have we forgotten what the word of God says about Love, have we forgotten who is Love, have we forgotten that Love transformed us into new creatures, have we forgotten that Love never fails?
People of God let us not forget that GOD is LOVE and He does not want us to love like the world does.
God’s word tells us, do not love the world or the things in the world. He says for everything in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of one’s possession is not from the Father but is from the world. The world is passing away with its lust but he that does the will of God shall abide forever. (I John 2: 15 – 17).
Certainly, God does want us to enjoy all the blessing He’s provided for us. However, the blessings are not more important than the Blesser. Here are scriptures to read that will encourage and keep us on track in becoming and remaining true in loving God and each other.
I John 4:7-12 tells us that love comes from God, God is love, and that He loved us first.
Matthew 22:34 – 40 tells us how to love God and others.
I Corinthians 13:1 – 13 tells us what love is and what love is not.
Put to practice and you will be blessed!
First Lady S. Proctor
God's Soldiers
October 04, 2022
When God tells you to give up that is when you have permission to lay down and die. But, until then continue to be a good soldier in the army of the Lord. Train with the whole armor of God, use them skillfully and keep clear communication with the Captain of the host. Be alert, pay attention to His instructions and follow them. He has never lost a battle nor have His armies been captured. Our battle cry are songs of praise, we dance in battle because we know the battle is not ours but the Lords. He makes our enemies turn against each other while we watch in awe. GIRD UP, SUIT UP and DON'T RETREAT. God's children don't hold white flags, we ride white horses. II Chronicles 20:1-23, Ephesians 6:10-18, Revelation 19:11-16
God Is Not A Man That He Should Lie
September 27, 2022
God care about us even when we don’t think He does, His interest in us never fades. When others
forget about you God does not. Just like Sarah when she was barren, her desire was to bare a child.
Many of her young years passed where she could not conceive. But God did promise her and Abraham
that they would be blessed with a son. She heard the Lord’s promise and the timeline He gave.
Sarah got to a point where she became impatient deciding to take matters in her own hands. Just like
we do sometimes when we think much time has passed without any results. She decided to hand her
husband Abraham another woman. How difficult that decision had to have been for her. Desperate,
she had truly become in making such a decision that would later haunt her. Sometimes, we do forget
the promises God makes when we stop walking by faith and start walking by sight. There will be times
in our lives when we don’t like what we see, hear, smell or taste. These are times when we must fight
the good fight of faith and know that God is still on His throne, hears our prayers and that He is not a
man that He should lie. Numbers 23:19
In the Book of Genesis chapter 18 verses 9 through 14 we see God promised Abraham and Sarah they
would have a son. We must believe God when it seems that all odds are against us. God came through
for Sarah in her later years when it was not possible for her to even be fertile, nor for Abraham to be her
delight. But, as the scripture says, Is anything impossible for the Lord? Genesis 18:14. Absolutely, NOT.
Today, we read about the promised son Isaac who was born to Abraham and Sarah in Genesis chapter
21 verses 1 through 6. This child brought joy and hope to both parents. What wonderful results we can
get in trusting God and His promises.
God does not need to remember His promises to us because He doesn’t forget them, we do. Let us ask
the Holy Spirit to bring all the promises we’ve read in God’s word to our remembrance. Let us also put
an effort forth to write them down to be memorized. Let us allow ourselves to become established in
God’s word so that we do not give up. Know our Heavenly Father will not fail us, He will come through
for you as He did Sarah. Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, since He who
promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23
May The Lord Himself Richly Bless You,
First Lady Stephena Proctor
From The Ground Up
September 06, 2022
Deep in the depths of the earth no light nor air, without hope and full of despair. Feeling like Jonah did when he was in the belly of a fish. Looking at daylight but never seeing the Son. Fake smiles and laughter forged from a weary soul,
filled with a heart covered with deadly mold (SIN). Not knowing who or whose I am. Without fulfillment in what I see every time I look at myself. Changed locations but still the same because my heart was never changed. I was far away from who was good and pure; not realizing what He had endured. Underneath the ground stuck in the mud full of hopelessness I'm feeling like crud. Crying inside but who would see the agony I would not show. Like the Samaritan woman, no clarity in life, walking around being looked at with contempt and strife. So tired of me, so tired to be.
So, I finally called out to the one who said come unto me all you that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.
The Good Shepherd spoke to me, He saw my heart, I had to confess all my mess.
I began to be washed inside out by His blood without a doubt. Eyes now wide opened seeing clear my Savior, my God was ever so near. Now I know who I am, a child of God, looking and feeling her best. Confident in God because of His great love towards me.
First Lady, S. Proctor
Scriptures Ephesians 2:4-10, II Corinthians 5:17